By, CalNaturale Svelte While soy has been around for centuries, the popularity of soy-based food exploded in popularity in the US over the last decade, increasing from $1 billion to $5.2… read more →
This week I’m going to write about how incorporating functional training into your training regimen, or perhaps your clients regimens to achieve better overall results. To train like a Strongman,… read more →
By, Shai Lindsey The first thing you will need to ask yourself are you wanting to do this for a career down the road, or this is your way… read more →
We’ve all been there, we left our shaker cup in our car overnight, and the following day when you open it up to wash it you’re met with a smell… read more →
INGREDIENTS 1/2 scoop Vanilla Optimum Whey Protein ½ Cup Oats dash of nutmeg ( for taste/optional) dash of cinnamon ( for taste/optional) 3 Large Egg Whites 1/3 Cup Pumpkin 2 tablespoons… read more →