Muscle Foods USA Marketing
Call Us: (877) 444-4872


About Our Retail And Wholesale Catalogs

The Muscle Foods USA catalog is our quarterly catalog showcasing our manufacturing partners’ product lines, as well as our special wholesale pricing. Our retailers find the catalog to be a useful tool for increasing their sales by making the purchasing process easy and convenient. The catalog is jam-packed with useful information such as a complete listing of our entire inventory, retail pricing, full color ads from our biggest sports nutrition companies, product comparisons, and much more. Our catalog reaches over 4,000 sports and fitness stores throughout the country and is also available online.

Request Our Catalogs

To receive your free wholesale and retail catalogs from Muscle Foods USA, please download and complete the form below. You will also need to  verify your business by faxing, emailing or mailing the below documents for our review.

  • State Sales Tax License
  • Vendor’s Certificate or Resale Certificate

Wholesale Catalog Request

Please fax, email or mail these documents, to one of the following addresses:

FAX:+ (570) 800-5933
EMAIL: sales@musclefoodsusa.com
ADDRESS: Muscle Foods USA, 100 Keystone Industrial Park Rd., Unit 1B, Dunmore, PA 18512
Once your information is received, a Muscle Foods USA sales representative will contact you. Additionally, your business will be added to our mailing list, and you will automatically receive our wholesale and retail catalogs four times a year.

Advertise in Our Catalogs

Interested in advertising in our retail catalog? Download and fill out the form below to confirm ad placement. After you’ve completed the Advertising Form, fax, email or mail the form to the below addresses. Once your information is received, a Muscle Foods USA sales representative will contact you.

Advertise in Our Catalogs

Please fax, email or mail these documents, to one of the following addresses:

FAX:+ (570) 800-5933
EMAIL: jessicaf@musclefoodsusa.com
ADDRESS: Muscle Foods USA, 100 Keystone Industrial Park Rd., Unit 1B, Dunmore, PA 18512

Muscle Foods USA is a Nationwide Sports Nutrition Distributor to the Retail Trade. View Our Growing Facilities Below!


Compark Building #2
750 West Sunset Rd., Henderson, NV 89011
Tel: (877) 444-4872


100 Keystone Industrial Park Rd.,
Unit 1-B Dunmore, PA 18512
Tel: (877) 444-4872


1421 Diamond Springs Rd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Tel: (757) 460-1060


575 Garden Oaks Blvd.
Houston, TX 77018
Tel: (281) 501-2948


273 Covenant Square Dr.
Biloxi, MS 39531
Tel: (800) 359-4792


6850 Enterprise Drive, Suite 600
South Bend, IN 46628
Tel: (877) 444-4872

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