Remembering the Basics


Mallory Haldeman

This week marks the start of my 2014 show prep! I’ve take a few extra weeks to train hard , eat well, and work to enhance my physique with some added muscle. I am excited to tighten back up and see the changes I was able to make. Even though I have only 8-9 pounds to take off, it doesn’t make my prep any less serious. It is easy to forget the basics when we start any new nutrition on training program when it feels like the goal isn’t so far out of reach. I remind myself each time that without these FOUR basic training rules , any goal (no matter how close or far away it may feel) may as well be unattainable for us.

1: SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. Nothing is more important to the body than rest and recovery. Eating all the right foods and making sure never to miss a gym sesh will never pay off if our bodies can’t recover from the stress we are putting on it. Power through your day and be sure to get the necessary 7-8 hours a night. My body really doesn’t respond well unless I give it closer to 8 or 9 when i get about halfway through my show prep.

2: Supplement consistently: The millions of bottles of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements stock piled in my kitchen will never reach full potential in my body unless I am consistent with my intake of them. Missing days here and there gives my body a chance to fall behind.

3 DRINK: Nothing does wonders for us like water. Digestion, skin, weight management, toxin excretion and many other processes are affected by water. My intense training, high protein and vitamin intake and even sleep depend on a fully hydrated body !

4: Be Happy :) One thing we really tend to forget is that stress and mood can negatively effect and VERY quickly. High cortisol levels can trigger weight gain and plateua the results of our healthy dieting. Negative energy and stress both lower our immune systems and make us vulnerable to illness. And last of all , no one likes a miserable dietier .

Heading into your next nutrition or training program remember my basic rules and be sure they all get the big CHECK !