Knowing the Difference between Emotional Hunger and Physical Hunger
Ok! So most of us are guilty for reaching for that pint of Ben and Jerry’s after getting stressed out or emotionally upset about something. Food is one of the most easily accessible and inexpensive substances we can reach for when we need a stress release. Unfortunately, when eating for any other reason than satisfying hunger, it can leave us feeling guilty and not so great. One of the big things that helped me overcome my unhealthy food behaviors was knowing the difference between my physical hunger verses emotional hunger. It can become a habitual action to reach for a comforting cookie when stress strikes. But try to think before you grab. Ask yourself, “am I really hungry or trying to fill an uncomfortable emotion”? Once you can start to become aware of the difference of feelings, you will notice some of your decisions will start to change.
This useful chart can help you as a guide in your journey in understanding the difference. Start to practice the thought process when you eat.
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