Corporate Wellness
Corporate wellness in our society has been in place for many years but continues to be underutilized. The overall health of people and employees in the work force directly reflects the work output, focus, functionality, and efficiency in how things are done. Healthy employees also reduce insurance claims, sick days taken, and inner office/workplace sickness spreading. Being fit and exercising has been proven to improve your immune system, and if you’re immune system is stronger you’ll get sick less, or not even at all. Luckily I haven’t had a cough, or a cold since 2001, and I credit my active lifestyle with warding off any colds or illnesses I might have come across otherwise. The downside is I’ve never been able to call out of work in that many years, which makes me a fantastic employee…
With corporations who employ a large number of employees having a wellness program in place can save thousands yearly, and millions over the course of a few years. Less temporary employees will be needed, and the overtime will be cut significantly from the reduction of other employees covering shifts from others who are too sick to work. Not to mention you will have a happier group of management with less stress, and a smoother ran operation. Stress is amongst the biggest causes of illness in our society, it’s been attributed to obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. So with countless studies linking exercise and a stress free life it seems like a no-brainer for everyone to incorporate fitness into their lifestyle.
So being involved in an up and coming fitness industry, and being able to represent fitness locations, supplement companies, I’ve been exposed to the limitless benefits that come along with this lifestyle. The evolution of nutrition has surpassed any preconceived idea that I ever imagined. From the old school tasteless card board bars, to the protein bars of our present day that are delicious. Candy bars have been thrown to the wayside. Why consume a bar of pure sugar, when you can enjoy a protein snack that actually promotes overall health. So as a representative of a fitness franchise we’ve been targeting our community to make our city healthier. From discounted rates for our police and fire men, to discounted packages for any local business that’s interested in helping their employees feel better. We offer supplements at a wholesale price to our members, and often sample protein shakes, bars, and pre-workouts. With 3 locations we can hit our city from many angles, and with continued efforts with charitable events we’re hoping to start a trend that will carry beyond Las Vegas.
With obesity running rampant in America, and with us being the fattest nation on the planet we need to reverse our current trends and look at all the underlying problems. From our sedentary jobs, to our fast food, and our jam packed schedules we’ve hit a point where we need to change or face dramatic consequences. Lower life expectancy, more health issues, a lower quality of life, and the fact that we’re becoming more and more miserable is reason enough to alter our lifestyles. It starts at home, and we bring it to work, and we need to stay focused!
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