Muscle Foods USA New Customers
Call Us: (877) 444-4872

New Customers


Thank you for your interest in Muscle Foods USA. We are a nationwide wholesale distributor of sports nutrition products that aims to offer quality, high margin products to your customers. Please download and complete the Customer Application Forms below. After you’ve completed the forms you may fax, email or mail them to the below addresses. Once your information is received, a Muscle Foods USA sales representative will contact you.

If you have additional questions please contact us at contact@musclefoodsusa.com or by calling (877) 444-4872 for further assistance.

FAX: + (570) 800-5933
ADDRESS: Muscle Foods USA, 100 Keystone Industrial Park Rd., Unit 1B, Dunmore, PA 18512

Muscle Foods USA is a Nationwide Sports Nutrition Distributor to the Retail Trade. View Our Growing Facilities Below!


Compark Building #2
750 West Sunset Rd., Henderson, NV 89011
Tel: (877) 444-4872


100 Keystone Industrial Park Rd., Unit 1-B
Dunmore, PA 18512
Tel: (877) 444-4872


1421 Diamond Springs Rd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Tel: (877) 444-4872


575 Garden Oaks Blvd.
Houston, TX 77018
Tel: (877) 444-4872


273 Covenant Square Dr.
Biloxi, MS 39531
Tel: (877) 444-4872


6850 Enterprise Drive, Suite 600
South Bend, IN 46628
Tel: (877) 444-4872

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